12 ad campaign tips

A single ad probably won’t generate much business. The real work is done in multi-ad campaigns. Here are a dozen tips: 

Two advertising goals: Attention and Retention

As mentioned in previous articles, there are two types of advertising: image and response. Image advertising – sometimes known as institutional advertising – is...
John Foust Advertising

Multi-tasking = multi-risking

Joseph was talking to me about something he feels is important to the ad staff he manages. “These days, there’s a lot of talk...

A key question: What’s next?

Gregory talked to me about a lesson he learned in his early days of selling advertising. “In one of my first presentations, the prospect...

A good idea is worth the wait

When I was a kid and jumped to conclusions about something, my father often said, “Hold your horses, son.” That’s an old saying that...
John Foust

The importance of time management

David Ogilvy, one of the legends of the advertising agency business, was known for his extraordinary efficiency. I once read that he would often...
John Foust Advertising

Qualify your advertising prospects

John Foust, advertising John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos to save time...
John Foust Advertising

The super sales person who wasn’t so super, after all

John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos to...

Give your advertising some personality

Kirk likes to work directly with his ad clients on their creative strategies. “Making a sale is just the first step in...

One way to make presentations more memorable

Samuel, the ad manager at a community paper, told me about a simple technique his sales team uses at the end of meetings with...