John Widdison

John Widdison was the last managing editor of the Worcester Gazette before the paper merged with the Telegram. In 1988 he was tasked with...

Joseph McQuaid

Joseph McQuaid is a 3rd generation newspaperman. His father BJ McQuaid founded the Sunday News, which he sold to Union Leader owners William and...

W. Zachary (Bill) Malinowski

For more than 30 years at The Providence Journal, Bill Malinowski explored organized crime and public corruption, street gangs and gun violence. His colorful...

Bob Katzen

For more than four decades,Publisher and Founder Bob Katzen has been distributing Beacon Hill Roll Call to newspapers,TV, radio stations and websites throughout the...

Frank Heinrich

Frank Heinrich came from humble beginnings and became a giant among circulation leaders, not just in Vermont and New England, but he excelled across...

Heather Bellow

Heather Bellow reports for The Berkshire Eagle. She is a member of the newspaper’s in-depth reporting team and also covers Great Barrington and surrounding...

Anna Berry

Anna Berry is the editor of the New Hampshire Bar News, a monthly print newspaper serving the 8,000 members of the New Hampshire Bar Association....

Karen Bordeleau

Karen Bordeleau, retired executive editor of The Providence Journal, is an award-winning journalist who now teaches editing and reporting courses both in the United...

Ernesto Burden

Ernesto Burden is Vice President Digital for Newspapers of New England (NNE). He’s been a group publisher at PennWell,  vice president of digital media...

Roger Carroll

Roger Carroll started his journalism career in local radio, where he did occasional work for CBS and ABC. His long newspaper career includes stints as...