Join us for a unique summit where newsrooms, philanthropists, business leaders and academic institutions will discuss not only why they can work together – but also how!

To create healthier, more connected, and engaged communities we need accurate and timely information that people can trust. Journalism is essential in providing this information, helping individuals to better understand their surroundings, make informed investments in their communities, and become more civically engaged.

Partnerships between newsrooms, philanthropy, business, and higher education are becoming more common in achieving these collective goals. But how are they doing it?

Join us on Thursday, May 4 at 1:00 pm for a virtual discussion during the 2023 New England Newspaper Convention where we’ll explore how journalism can fit into an organization’s philanthropic mission, how to measure the tangible impacts of journalism, and how local news outlets are innovating with community-funded journalism. We’ll also discuss how employees and constituents can better understand the connection between local news and community priorities.

The conversation will include a presentation from Nina Sachdev, Communications Director for Media Impact Funders, brief highlights of community-funded journalism projects, and a panel discussion with Sachdev and other local funders about why they support local journalism and their experiences with funding journalism to meet organizational missions.

Don’t miss out on this expert panel and important discussion about the future of journalism and its critical role in building healthy, thriving, and engaged communities.

News Philanthropy Summit: New Pathways to Funding Local News
Speakers: Melanie Plenda
Director, The Granite State News Collaborative
Steve LeonePublisher, Concord Monitor
Nina SachdevDirector of Communications, Media Impact Funders
Laura Simoes, Executive Director, Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications
Karen Ager, Director of Communications, Endowment for Health

Use the links below for more information and to register for the convention.

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