In this RTDNA/Google News Initiative training, we’ll explore ways to fight back against misinformation and disinformation during election coverage. We’ll use tools such as Google Fact-Check Explorer to track fact-checked images and stories. We’ll use Google Scholar to background candidates and claims. We’ll break down doctored videos with WatchFramebyFrame and Deepware. We’ll also look at the innovative Rolliapp.com to track disinformation spreaders on social channels.
Participants get a handout with links to tools and exercise materials you can take to your newsroom. Before the training, set up a free Rolliapp.com “press pass” account as it takes a couple of days to get approved.
Presented for NENPA University by Mike Reilley, UIC senior lecturer and founder of JournalistsToolbox.ai. @itsmikereilley | @journtoolbox.