NAHJ New England is holding its inaugural journalism awards. We’re excited to celebrate the best local journalism stories on Latino/Hispanic issues and want you to be a part of it!

Please submit news stories from your Latino staff so they have a chance to win a journalism award from NAHJ New England.

Journalists can also self-nominate so please let your Latinx staff know about this opportunity to win a journalism award from NAHJ New England!

The deadline is THIS Friday, July 21, 2023.

Details on award criteria and how to submit entries:

They do not have to be a member of NAHJ to apply, but we’d love for them to join. They can join easily online at this URL:

Our judges are from all over the U.S., but not from New England to avoid conflict of interest. The NAHJ New England board will not be involved in choosing the winners. For more information about our judges, see

We are also seeking nominations for our Impact Award. This award will go to a journalism professional in New England who has demonstrated leadership in promoting fair coverage of Latinos and the advancement of Latino/a/x journalists in the news industry.

To submit a nomination for the NAHJ New England Impact Award please send an email to with the name of the person you are nominating and explain how the nominee demonstrated leadership in promoting fair coverage of Latinos and the advancement of Latino/a/x journalists in the news industry.

There is no registration fee to nominate someone for the Impact Award.

If you have any questions about the NAHJ New England Journalism Awards or the NAHJ New England Impact Award, please email